Michigan State University - B.A. Media and Information
2016 - 2021
- Recipient, Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program
- Dean’s List
Programmer - Matrix
2017 - 2018
Implemented from scratch with PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
and improved the user interface on Voices of MSU by making
the website responsive, suggesting minor modifications to
the layout, and adding animations on cards
Fixed the positioning of the dropdown menus on Liberated
Africans using JavaScript, preventing them from
overlapping and remaining visible simultaneously
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, Java, C++
- Unit Testing
- Responsive web Design
Leadership & Volunteering
Volunteer - Zimble
2015 - 2016
Automated deployments on Firebase with GitHub Actions
Increased login speed by creating an index on the email
field of the user collection (MongoDB)
Improved responsiveness on mobile phones and tablets by
adding a drawer menu